Find Course Sections
Find Course Sections available to Students
There multiple screens which display the course sections for each semester to students. Each screen is designed for different student populations to show only relevant courses. They can also be used by faculty to view available course section offerings and information about each section.
Access these reports using the Instructor worklet. If you are an instructor, this will be accessible when you click on the navigation menu, labeled "Menu" and generally seen in the top-left corner of the screen. It may also be in Your Top Apps when you first sign into Workday.
Access the navigation Menu on the top left hand corner of the screen.
If you are assigned to courses as Instructor, you should see the Instructor worklet under the Apps tab. Other options will vary.
Instructor may also be one of your Top Apps available on the first page when you sign into Workday.
The Instructor dashboard displays many useful resources. By default, it will display the Courses and Grading menu. Click on the Course Schedules tab instead.
Reports of available courses will fall into the following categories, depending on where students would find them:
Find (Semester) Traditional Course Sections - Courses on the traditional calendar
Find @Simmons Sept/Jan/May Course Sections
Find @Simmons Nov/Mar/July Course Sections
Find NECC Course Sections
Find (Semester) CompleteDegree Course Sections
Find MPH@Simmons Course Sections
You may need to click on More to see the full list of available reports.